On the lookout for a new dentist in London? 4 things that highlight a top quality dental clinic

New to London and looking for a new dentist? Maybe you are just fed up with your current dentist? In the big city, dental care has never been bigger!

With more celebrities living in London and more people undertaking cosmetic dental procedures, you may feel that the dentist you have been with since you were a child doesn’t offer you a wide enough range of treatments. Or, if you are new to London, you may be on the hunt for a dentist that can make sure your teeth are both healthy, straight and look worthy of the Hollywood elite!

Regardless of what you are looking for in a dental clinic in W1, there are a few key things to look for in your dentist in London.

Family friendly

When you have children, you will obviously be looking for a dental clinic in W1 that is family friendly and has the equipment and expertise to manage your family’s varied dental needs.

You will want to make sure that any potential dentist can offer advice on cleaning newly erupted baby teeth, while also ensuring that they are able to manage any older child’s teeth with fluoride sealants if necessary.

Even if you don’t have children, enquiring about family friendly practices can be useful for the future; you never know!

Nervous patient care

If you are a nervous patient wanting to overcome your fear with a new dentist, it is useful to enquire about how any potential dental surgery handles phobic and anxious patients.

Modern dentistry has come a long way and the days of the lecturing dentist are long gone; while most dental practices have compassion written into their care code, only a handful can offer you sedation if you require it.

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If you require something a little less than sedation to attend check-ups, ask about the techniques they can offer to calm your nerves; many surgeries can provide you with headphones to listen to during dental procedures.

Excellent reviews


It goes without saying that when it comes to hunting for anything new, be it a restaurant or a pet shop, almost everyone turns to the internet to look at the online reviews.

Obviously, when looking for a new dentist, make sure you check both their surgery website and independent reviews left by former patients via search engines.

If you are still unsure, book a trip to visit the surgery to get a feel for the place and the team.

Cosmetic portfolios

One of the things many people are looking for in a dental surgery today is cosmetic dentistry.

Even if this is not what you are seeking, it is worth attending a surgery that can offer this option; such surgeries often have advanced technology onsite and can provide a wider range of general dental options alongside offering more up to date techniques, which are faster, painless and more effective.

If, however, you are looking for a cosmetic dentist, ask to see a portfolio of ‘before’ and ‘after’ dental treatments before deciding.


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By |2020-02-14T18:13:44+00:00February 14th, 2020|Healthy Living|0 Comments

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