Cosmetic dentistry –giving you something to smile about

Anyone who is a little wary of opening their mouth too wide for fear of revealing their crooked, or missing teeth would have had the thought of cosmetic solutions cross their mind. Less than perfect teeth can play havoc with your confidence, but what treatments are currently available and which ones are available through the NHS?

What’s on offer?

Contemporary dentistry is fascinating, and there are now many different procedures available for those in search of perfect teeth. Age, diet, genetics, and circumstance can all play a part in missing, broken, discoloured, or crooked teeth and there are solutions for each of these problems. Bleaching can solve the problem of discoloured teeth, implants can give patients new teeth for ones that are missing or need to be replaced, and braces can ensure teeth become straighter.


This term relates to any dental solutions that involve the prosthetic replacement of teeth or the soft and hard tissues in and around those areas. Such solutions include dentures, dental implants, crowns and bridges. These procedures are performed by highly trained and experienced dentists who will thoroughly assess each patient’s needs, including what type of sedative, if any, they will require during, and after treatment. Implants are not usually available via the NHS, but if there is a clinical need, your dentist may decide that you can receive the treatment under the NHS.

Straightening solutions

Braces are recommended for children aged from 10 to 14, and therefore adults are more likely to opt for a different tooth-straightening method. Products such as Invisalign, Six Month Smiles, and other discreet straightening methods are available privately and these offer quick results.

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For a truly dazzling set of teeth, some patients opt for veneers. These are made from porcelain or a composite material and can help with crooked, discoloured or misshapen teeth. Veneers are bonded to teeth once the natural tooth has been prepared by removing some of the enamel. It usually takes around two sessions to prepare and fit the veneers and between these sessions there is usually no need for any temporary veneers.



There are assorted treatments available to lighten the colour of your teeth depending on how white you wish your teeth to be. Supermarket shelves are laden with tubes of toothpaste that promise whiter teeth in a few (hundred) strokes of a brush, but for truly quick, safe, and long-lasting results, one really does need to go and seek professional assistance. Professional bleaching can restore your teeth to the colour they were several years ago, and regular touch-ups can ensure your teeth maintain a whiter shade for longer. The first treatment can take approximately three to four weeks and combines visits to the dentist with home applications of whitening product. Another whitening process is power lightening, sometimes referred to as laser whitening. This procedure takes just one hour.

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Your dentist will need to thoroughly assess your teeth before recommending any whitening treatments to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for the specific treatment required.

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By |2019-09-27T23:59:58+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Healthy Living|0 Comments

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