Who do I see to treat my tooth pain?

In the dentist industry, there are certain highly skilled dental specialists who treat tooth pain and perform root canal treatment. This type of work is called endodontics, and if you are suffering from tooth pain issues and require such treatment, then get in touch with your local dentist, who can refer you to your nearest endodontist in Birmingham.

These specialists have two to three years of advanced training beyond dental school, so that they are highly skilled to perform complex treatments with precision and incredible hand to eye coordination. They are trained to use advanced technology in order to treat tooth pain and to perform root canal procedures. If your mouth is in pain, or you are worried about losing your teeth, or think that you have a diseased tooth, then these highly trained specialists are your best bet at helping restore your mouth to its natural healthy smile. They often refer to themselves as ‘specialists in saving teeth’!

What is a root canal?

A tooth contains a soft area in the centre called pulp. This is inside the area of the tooth termed as a root canal, and also contains the tooth’s nerves. This is the area that requires treatment in a root canal procedure. This is a treatment performed by highly trained specialists in order to repair an infected or badly decayed tooth. The procedure involves removing the nerve and pulp from inside the tooth and then thoroughly cleaning the tooth before resealing it. If such dental problems are left untreated then the tissue surrounding the decaying tooth can become infected and cause abscesses to form, which can be incredibly painful.

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 How do I know that I need endodontics?


If there has been any change to the way your teeth feel then it is probably best to get a consultation to have your teeth checked out. Perhaps your teeth have become sensitive to hot and cold food and drink, or you have injured your tooth or developed pain or swelling in or around your mouth? Your dentist will be able to advise you on what course of treatment you require and will refer you to a specialist if needed.

 How can I prevent such problems occurring?

It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to prevent experiencing tooth pain and decay. By cleaning and flossing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, you can keep your teeth in tiptop shape. It is also very important that you have regular check-ups with your local dentist, so that any problems can be identified and treated as early as possible,  in order to avoid any dental issues getting worse.

However, if you do require treatment for tooth pain or a root canal procedure, you don’t need to worry. The extra years of training that these specialists have undertaken means that you can be confident that they will provide you with a professional solution and service, to enable you to smile once again with a pain free and confident smile.


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By |2019-12-13T21:50:17+00:00December 13th, 2019|Healthy Living|0 Comments

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