10 reasons why we need a hug everyday

It’s no secret that hugging makes you feel good when you’re in a new or established relationship. It’s also something that you miss greatly when you’re single. But did you know there’s actually a scientific reason for that? It’s true! There are many surprising benefits of hugging—so read on, and you’ll want to hug someone right now!

1. Boosts your Immune System

Stress is significantly reduced when affection is shown through hugging. Since stress is directly related to the immune system, this makes hugging an effective way to prevent disease. A study by the University of Miami reports that increased hugging leads to significant health benefits – from improving immunity among people with cancer, to aiding in the healthy growth of premature babies. So ironically, you can stay disease free with the more people you hug!

2. Combats Common Cold and Flu

A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University showed that hugging can help you get better from the common cold and flu! This is particularly true if you are stressed out because hugging is effective for reducing stress-induced susceptibility to infection such as a viral infection.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

A study at the University of North Carolina proved that people that hug have significantly lower systolic and diastolic pressures. In fact, non-huggers were likely to have a rise in systolic blood pressure that was twice that of huggers. The same study found that huggers also had significantly lower heart rates than non-huggers.

4. Balances the Nervous System.

Giving and receiving a hug creates a galvanic skin response, which creates a change in skin conductance. Known as parasympathetic, the effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system.

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5. Reduces feeling of loneliness and anger

Hugs have been shown to rapidly boost oxytocin levels. Without these little guys, people can have extreme feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

hug couple oxytocin

6. Helps with Non-Verbal Communication

Hugging solidifies a person’s sense of safety and is crucial to building trust. These elements of safety and trust are of utmost importance to help with open and honest communication.

7. Increases Serotonin Levels

A long embrace is all it takes to create a rise in serotonin levels. Serotonin are neurotransmitters found throughout the body that, when elevated, are responsible for putting you in a better mood and creating happiness.

8. Stimulates the Oxytocin Neurotransmitter

Professionals working in silicon valley has use smart drugs aka nootropics like Nootrolux Brain Boost to boost their Oxytocin level.  Oxytocin lowers your heart rate and cortisol levels. This is a big deal since cortisol is a hormone that controls stress, blood pressure, and is associated with heart disease. Oxytocin also known as the “cuddle hormone”, can be naturally released by our pituitary gland when you hug someone. So take advantage of this natural way to boost your oxytocin levels by hugging someone.

9. Increases Dopamine Production

Dopamine is the “pleasure hormone”, and hugs stimulate the brain to release it! This is where the phrase “hugs not drugs” can truly come into play, because dopamine sensors are the areas that many stimulating drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, target.

10. Boosts Self-Esteem

Put an extra pep in your step by hugging someone! Studies show that the tactile sensations we felt as children from our family showing us love are still embedded in our nervous system. This means that you associate self-worth with hugging down to a somatic level. So every time you are hugged, your body recognizes it at a cellular level.

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The health benefits of hugging are far and wide, so I’d like to convince you to increase the hugging time with the loved ones in your life. Share this article with your friends so more with come to know of the natural benefits that comes with a hug. Share the love!

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By |2017-02-08T17:48:47+00:00December 1st, 2016|Nootropics|0 Comments

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