Free Pornography Damage Brain Cells

Did you know in every 39 minutes a new porn video is created in the United States? More than 40 million Americans visit porn sites regularly out of which 200,000 are the porn addict. In every second more than 30 thousand internet users watch pornography on the internet and almost 34 percent of internet users unintentionally expose to porn content through web ads, misdirected links or emails. Almost 2.5 billion emails received or received each day contain porn and 35 percent of the internet downloads are related to the sexually explicit material. Teens as young as 13 expose to explicit content on the internet which can harm them physically, psychologically and neurologically.

When it comes to the menaces of pornography, it hurts teenagers, adults, married couples, families, and communities. It distorts the sexual attitudes in adults, encourages group sex, lowers the desire to marry, leads to normalization of rape and risky sexual behavior, and accelerates the probabilities of marital infidelity by 300 percent. Almost 40 percent of porn addicts lose their spouses, one-third loses their jobs and 58 percent suffer ample financial loss. Frequent use of pornography in teenagers lowers down their sexual self-esteem and leads them to anxiety, depression and several health issues.

Pornography can have disastrous impacts on our brains. Those who excessively watch explicit content may be damaging their brain cells, according to the researchers. The more a person exposes to pornography, the more striatum area of his brain associated with reward center shrinks in size. The researchers also found that people who spend more time viewing racy content are born with a certain type of brain. The porn addicts have brains more like the brains of drug addicts. When they watch X-rated videos and erotic images, the addiction part of their brain lights up like Christmas tree. Another study found that sex addicts who watch porn from an early age have three areas of the brain that are more active than that of those who are not addicted to sex. These are the same brain areas that are particularly more active in drug addicts.

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Watching pornography releases mood-boosting hormones. The repeated surge in the hormone dopamine, caused by regularly watching porn, makes your brain insensitive to its effects. The brain eventually stops the production of dopamine which makes the user want more and extreme porn but unable to reach the level of satisfaction. It means the more you watch porn the less you feel sexually stimulated. It causes you to seek for more intense and high level of porn to feel the same high as before. A 2011 study published in Psychology Today revealed that those who regularly watch porn need increasingly extreme experiences to sexually stir up. This is what leaves the porn addict people hopeless in the bedroom.

As well as damaging your brain and lowering the sexual self-esteem, pornography weakens your memory and makes you less attentive. Studies reveal that even reasonable use of porn can shrink the grey matter in the brain associated with the cognitive function relating to the ability of concentration. It diminishes self-control making the addict have less willpower to say ‘no to porn or sex’.


How to Avoid Pornography

If you are a few of those who are intentionally or unintentionally exposing to explicit material and want to get out of this vicious circle, start with cleaning up your computer. Delete the porn stuff that you have stored on your computer or mobile phone. Clean your internet browsing history, cache, and Google searches. If your computer remembers you visiting porn site either intentionally o accidentally, it will display more advertisements for porn thinking you want more of it. If you encounter porn pop-ups immediately after you open the internet browser or even when you are visiting trusted and appropriate sites, you might have a virus in your computer system. Install an antivirus on both your computer and smartphone to get rid of such viruses. Turn on Google Safe Search to evade unsafe searches and try to visit only those sites that are reliable.

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There are many other ways you can protect yourself and your family from the internet pornography. You can set up internet censor to block unwanted websites. You can use StayFocused browser add-on for Google Chrome to control the websites you want to access and the time spent on these websites. If you are using Windows computer, you can take help from Microsoft’s built-in content filter. Meanwhile, set up OpenDNS to block the objectionable content on all the internet connected devices being used by your family.

Most email providers have a separate folder dedicated for spam like it is in Gmail and Yahoo Mail. The suspicious emails are automatically shifted to the spam folder. Do not open any of these spam emails or open the link or attachment file received from an email address you do not recognize. Do not respond to the spammers, so they do not get a clue that your account is active.

Taking a break from the internet can be a good idea for those struggling with the internet pornography. Put away your computer and mobile phone, and spend more time with your family and friends doing healthy activities. If you are using a smartphone, temporarily switch to a simple cell phone that cannot connect to the internet.

Talk to your children about the internet safety and set rules for the internet use to avoid pornography. The parents are in high need to supervise the internet activities to their teenagers and underage children to protect them from the perils of the pornography. Take support from a computer and mobile phone monitoring application to keep your eyes on your offspring when they are online. With the tracking application, you can get the internet browsing of your family and can block the inappropriate websites to prevent them from watching explicit material. This app facilitates you in many other ways to protect your children from the cruelties of the adult world keeping tabs on both their cyber and real life.

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By |2017-08-19T22:35:18+00:00August 19th, 2017|Healthy Living|0 Comments

About the Author:

Aline is a blogger and writer. She mostly writes about digital parenting tips, mobile phones technology, Andriod spy app reviews and social media privacies for children. To know more about her follow her on Twitter @AlineCarrara7

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